--- File: DEP-11 Version: '1.0' Origin: ubuntu-noble-security-universe MediaBaseUrl: https://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/noble-security Priority: 20 Time: 20250302T214907 --- Type: desktop-application ID: io.github.evilsocket.opensnitch Package: python3-opensnitch-ui Name: C: OpenSnitch Summary: C: GNU/Linux interactive application firewall Description: C: >-
Whenever a program tries to establish a new connection, it'll prompt the user to allow or deny it.
The user can decide if block the outgoing connection based on properties of the connection: by port, by uid, by dst ip, by program or a combination of them. These rules can last forever, until the app restart or just one time.
The GUI allows the user to view live outgoing connections, as well as search by process, user, host or port.
OpenSnitch can also work as a system-wide domains blocker, by using lists of domains, list of IPs or list of regular expressions.
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-or-later Categories: - System - Security - Monitor - Network Keywords: C: - system - firewall - policies - security - polkit - policykit Url: homepage: https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch bugtracker: https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/issues help: https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki Icon: cached: - name: python3-opensnitch-ui_opensnitch-ui.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: python3-opensnitch-ui_opensnitch-ui.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: python3-opensnitch-ui_opensnitch-ui.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/icons/128x128/python3-opensnitch-ui_opensnitch-ui.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: opensnitch-ui Launchable: desktop-id: - opensnitch_ui.desktop Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-1_752x320.png width: 752 height: 320 - url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-1_624x266.png width: 624 height: 266 - url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-1_224x95.png width: 224 height: 95 source-image: url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1591 height: 679 - thumbnails: - url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-2_752x400.png width: 752 height: 400 - url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-2_624x331.png width: 624 height: 331 - url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-2_224x119.png width: 224 height: 119 source-image: url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1203 height: 640 - thumbnails: - url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-3_752x442.png width: 752 height: 442 - url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-3_624x367.png width: 624 height: 367 - url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-3_224x131.png width: 224 height: 131 source-image: url: io/github/evilsocket.opensnitch/d8490d893271eeef48dffbcff328d1fe/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1141 height: 672 ContentRating: oars-1.0: {} Supports: - control: pointing - control: keyboard - control: touch --- Type: addon ID: org.cockpit_project.podman Package: cockpit-podman Extends: - org.cockpit_project.cockpit Name: de: Podman tr: Podman uk: Podman sk: Podman ko: 포드맨 pl: Podman ka: Podman sv: Podman fr: Podman ja: Podman C: Podman es: Podman fi: Podman zh_CN: Podman cs: Podman Summary: tr: Podman kapsayıcıları için Cockpit bileşeni uk: Компонент Cockpit для контейнерів Podman ko: 포드맨 컨테이너를 위한 cockpit 구성요소 pl: Składnik Cockpit do kontenerów Podman ka: Cockpit-ის კომპონენტი Podman-ის კონტეინერებისთვის ja: Podman コンテナーの Cockpit コンポーネント zh_CN: Podman 容器的 Cockpit 组件 sv: Cockpit komponent för Podman-behållare cs: Součást Cockpit pro Podman kontejnery C: Cockpit component for Podman containers es: Componente Cockpit para contenedores Podman fr: Composant Cockpit pour les conteneurs Podman fi: Cockpit-komponentti Podman-konteille de: Cockpit Bestandteil für Podman-Container Description: tr: >-Podman kapsayıcıları için Cockpit kullanıcı arayüzü.
uk: >-Інтерфейс користувача Cockpit для контейнерів Podman.
ko: >-포드맨 컨테이너를 위한 cockpit 사용자 연결장치.
pl: >-Interfejs Cockpit do kontenerów Podman.
zh_CN: >-Podman 容器的 Cockpit 用户界面。
ja: >-Podman コンテナーの Cockpit ユーザーインターフェイス。
sv: >-Cockpit-användargränssnittet för Podman-behållare.
ka: >-Cockpit-ის მომხმარებლის ინტერფეისი Podman-ის კონტეინერებისთვის.
cs: >-Cockpit uživatelské rozhraní pro Podman kontejnery.
C: >-The Cockpit user interface for Podman containers.
es: >-La interfaz de usuario de Cockpit para contenedores Podman.
fr: >-L’interface utilisateur Cockpit pour les conteneur Podman.
fi: >-Cockpit-käyttöliittymä Podman-konteille.
de: >-Die Cockpit Benutzeroberfläche für Podman Container.
Launchable: cockpit-manifest: - podman --- Type: desktop-application ID: com.yktoo.ymuse Package: ymuse Name: C: Ymuse Summary: C: Easy, functional, and snappy GTK client for Music Player Daemon Description: C: >-Ymuse is an easy, functional, and snappy GTK front-end (client) application for Music Player Daemon.
Application features:
Syncthing is an application that lets you synchronize your files across multiple devices. This means the creation, modification or deletion of files on one machine will automatically be replicated to your other devices. Syncthing does not upload your data to the cloud but exchanges your data across your machines as soon as they are online at the same time.
This package contains the main binary: syncthing.
sk: >-Syncthing je aplikácia, ktorá vám umožňuje synchronizovať vaše súbory naprieč viacerými zariadeniami. To znamená, že vytvorenie, zmena alebo zmazanie súborov na jednom zariadení sa automaticky replikuje na vašich ostatných zariadeniach. Syncthing neposiela vaše dáta na cloudové služby, ale vymieňa dáta medzi vašimi zariadeniami akonáhle sú zároveň pripojené sieťou.
Tento balík obsahuje hlavný spustiteľný súbor syncthing.
fr: >-Syncthing est une application qui vous permet de synchroniser vos fichiers sur plusieurs périphériques. Cela signifie que la création, modification ou suppression de fichiers sur une machine sera automatiquement répliquée sur vos autres périphériques. Syncthing ne télécharge pas vos données sur le cloud mais échange vos données à travers vos périphériques dès qu'ils sont en ligne en même temps.
Ce paquet contient le binaire principal : syncthing.
C: >-Syncthing is an application that lets you synchronize your files across multiple devices. This means the creation, modification or deletion of files on one machine will automatically be replicated to your other devices. Syncthing does not upload your data to the cloud but exchanges your data across your machines as soon as they are online at the same time.
This package contains the main binary: syncthing.
de: >-Syncthing ist eine Anwendung, mit der Sie Ihre Dateien auf mehreren Geräten synchronisieren können. Dies bedeutet, dass das Erstellen, Ändern oder Löschen von Dateien auf einem Computer automatisch auf Ihre anderen Geräte repliziert wird. Syncthing lädt Ihre Daten nicht in die Cloud hoch, sondern tauscht Ihre Daten zwischen Ihren Computern aus, sobald diese gleichzeitig online sind.
Dieses Paket enthält die Hauptbinärdatei: syncthing.
pt_BR: >-Syncthing é uma aplicação que permite que você sincronize seus arquivos entre múltiplos dispositivos. Isto significa que a criação, modificação ou eliminação de arquivos em uma máquina automaticamente será replicada para seus outros dispositivos. Syncthing não faz upload de seus dados para a nuvem, mas troca seus dados entre suas máquinas assim que elas estejam on- line ao mesmo tempo.
Este pacote contém o binário principal: syncthing.
Categories: - Network - FileTransfer - P2P Keywords: C: - synchronization - interface Icon: cached: - name: syncthing_syncthing.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: syncthing_syncthing.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: syncthing_syncthing.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: s/sy/syncthing-ui.desktop/4f6bfbf475312aabe05cb5881f708e35/icons/128x128/syncthing_syncthing.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: syncthing Launchable: desktop-id: - syncthing-ui.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: syncthing-start.desktop Package: syncthing Name: C: Start Syncthing Summary: C: Starts the main syncthing process in the background. Description: en: >-Syncthing is an application that lets you synchronize your files across multiple devices. This means the creation, modification or deletion of files on one machine will automatically be replicated to your other devices. Syncthing does not upload your data to the cloud but exchanges your data across your machines as soon as they are online at the same time.
This package contains the main binary: syncthing.
sk: >-Syncthing je aplikácia, ktorá vám umožňuje synchronizovať vaše súbory naprieč viacerými zariadeniami. To znamená, že vytvorenie, zmena alebo zmazanie súborov na jednom zariadení sa automaticky replikuje na vašich ostatných zariadeniach. Syncthing neposiela vaše dáta na cloudové služby, ale vymieňa dáta medzi vašimi zariadeniami akonáhle sú zároveň pripojené sieťou.
Tento balík obsahuje hlavný spustiteľný súbor syncthing.
fr: >-Syncthing est une application qui vous permet de synchroniser vos fichiers sur plusieurs périphériques. Cela signifie que la création, modification ou suppression de fichiers sur une machine sera automatiquement répliquée sur vos autres périphériques. Syncthing ne télécharge pas vos données sur le cloud mais échange vos données à travers vos périphériques dès qu'ils sont en ligne en même temps.
Ce paquet contient le binaire principal : syncthing.
C: >-Syncthing is an application that lets you synchronize your files across multiple devices. This means the creation, modification or deletion of files on one machine will automatically be replicated to your other devices. Syncthing does not upload your data to the cloud but exchanges your data across your machines as soon as they are online at the same time.
This package contains the main binary: syncthing.
de: >-Syncthing ist eine Anwendung, mit der Sie Ihre Dateien auf mehreren Geräten synchronisieren können. Dies bedeutet, dass das Erstellen, Ändern oder Löschen von Dateien auf einem Computer automatisch auf Ihre anderen Geräte repliziert wird. Syncthing lädt Ihre Daten nicht in die Cloud hoch, sondern tauscht Ihre Daten zwischen Ihren Computern aus, sobald diese gleichzeitig online sind.
Dieses Paket enthält die Hauptbinärdatei: syncthing.
pt_BR: >-Syncthing é uma aplicação que permite que você sincronize seus arquivos entre múltiplos dispositivos. Isto significa que a criação, modificação ou eliminação de arquivos em uma máquina automaticamente será replicada para seus outros dispositivos. Syncthing não faz upload de seus dados para a nuvem, mas troca seus dados entre suas máquinas assim que elas estejam on- line ao mesmo tempo.
Este pacote contém o binário principal: syncthing.
Categories: - Network - FileTransfer - P2P Keywords: C: - synchronization - daemon Icon: cached: - name: syncthing_syncthing.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: syncthing_syncthing.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: syncthing_syncthing.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: s/sy/syncthing-start.desktop/ed37f77111572ec2729af52074a0e829/icons/128x128/syncthing_syncthing.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: syncthing Launchable: desktop-id: - syncthing-start.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.codeberg.dnkl.foot Package: foot Name: C: Foot Summary: C: A wayland native terminal emulator Description: C: >-The fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator. Features
* Fast * Lightweight, in dependencies, on-disk and in-memory * Wayland native * DE agnostic * User configurable font fallback * On-the-fly DPI font size adjustment * Scrollback search * Color emoji support * Server/daemon mode * Multi-seat * Synchronized Updates support * Sixel image support
en: >-The fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator. Features
* Fast * Lightweight, in dependencies, on-disk and in-memory * Wayland native * DE agnostic * User configurable font fallback * On-the-fly DPI font size adjustment * Scrollback search * Color emoji support * Server/daemon mode * Multi-seat * Synchronized Updates support * Sixel image support
Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Keywords: C: - shell - prompt - command - commandline Icon: cached: - name: foot_foot.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: foot_foot.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: foot_foot.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/codeberg/dnkl.foot/0ef45b2187a17d484c615825d2932213/icons/128x128/foot_foot.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: foot Launchable: desktop-id: - org.codeberg.dnkl.foot.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.codeberg.dnkl.footclient Package: foot Name: C: Foot Client Summary: C: A wayland native terminal emulator (client) Description: C: >-The fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator. Features
* Fast * Lightweight, in dependencies, on-disk and in-memory * Wayland native * DE agnostic * User configurable font fallback * On-the-fly DPI font size adjustment * Scrollback search * Color emoji support * Server/daemon mode * Multi-seat * Synchronized Updates support * Sixel image support
en: >-The fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator. Features
* Fast * Lightweight, in dependencies, on-disk and in-memory * Wayland native * DE agnostic * User configurable font fallback * On-the-fly DPI font size adjustment * Scrollback search * Color emoji support * Server/daemon mode * Multi-seat * Synchronized Updates support * Sixel image support
Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Keywords: C: - shell - prompt - command - commandline Icon: cached: - name: foot_foot.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: foot_foot.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: foot_foot.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/codeberg/dnkl.footclient/79a030595a46a154477be9da2270aef6/icons/128x128/foot_foot.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: foot Launchable: desktop-id: - org.codeberg.dnkl.footclient.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.codeberg.dnkl.foot-server Package: foot Name: C: Foot Server Summary: C: A wayland native terminal emulator (server) Description: C: >-The fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator. Features
* Fast * Lightweight, in dependencies, on-disk and in-memory * Wayland native * DE agnostic * User configurable font fallback * On-the-fly DPI font size adjustment * Scrollback search * Color emoji support * Server/daemon mode * Multi-seat * Synchronized Updates support * Sixel image support
en: >-The fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator. Features
* Fast * Lightweight, in dependencies, on-disk and in-memory * Wayland native * DE agnostic * User configurable font fallback * On-the-fly DPI font size adjustment * Scrollback search * Color emoji support * Server/daemon mode * Multi-seat * Synchronized Updates support * Sixel image support
Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Keywords: C: - shell - prompt - command - commandline Icon: cached: - name: foot_foot.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: foot_foot.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: foot_foot.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/codeberg/dnkl.foot-server/e6e76aaacdc72c00f18fda0622507aec/icons/128x128/foot_foot.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: foot Launchable: desktop-id: - org.codeberg.dnkl.foot-server.desktop --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-qt5 Package: gstreamer1.0-qt5 Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugin for Qt5 en: GStreamer plugin for Qt5 --- Type: addon ID: org.libreoffice.kde Package: libreoffice-plasma Extends: - libreoffice-base.desktop - libreoffice-calc.desktop - libreoffice-draw.desktop - libreoffice-impress.desktop - libreoffice-writer.desktop Name: C: LibreOffice KDE Integration Summary: C: Improves LibreOffice integration within the KDE Plasma desktop environment DeveloperName: C: The Document Foundation ProjectLicense: MPL-2.0 CompulsoryForDesktops: - KDE - Plasma Url: homepage: http://www.libreoffice.org/discover/writer/ bugtracker: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/ help: http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/ translate: https://hub.libreoffice.org/translate faq: https://hub.libreoffice.org/faq donation: https://donate.libreoffice.org/ --- Type: desktop-application ID: kitty.desktop Package: kitty Name: C: kitty Summary: C: Fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal Description: C: >-Kitty supports modern terminal features like: graphics, unicode, true-color, OpenType ligatures, mouse protocol, focus tracking, and bracketed paste.
Kitty has a framework for "kittens", small terminal programs that can be used to extend its functionality.
en: >-Kitty supports modern terminal features like: graphics, unicode, true-color, OpenType ligatures, mouse protocol, focus tracking, and bracketed paste.
Kitty has a framework for "kittens", small terminal programs that can be used to extend its functionality.
Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Icon: cached: - name: kitty_kitty.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kitty_kitty.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: k/ki/kitty.desktop/68df0dd39ed227723079f72dbfa9e58e/icons/128x128/kitty_kitty.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: kitty Launchable: desktop-id: - kitty.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: wpa_gui.desktop Package: wpagui Name: C: wpa_gui Summary: C: Graphical user interface for wpa_supplicant Description: gl: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
es: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
fr: >-Wpagui fournit une interface graphique Qt qui permet de choisir le réseau configuré auquel se connecter. Il fournit aussi une méthode de navigation dans les résultats de recherche de SSID Wi-Fi 802.11, un historique événementiel des messages générés par wpa_supplicant et une méthode d'ajout ou de modification des réseaux wpa_supplicant.
sl: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
de: >-wpagui stellt eine Qt-Oberfläche (GUI) bereit, um sich mit einem konfigurierten Netzwerk zu verbinden. Es stellt außerdem eine Methode bereit, Resultate von 802.11-SSID-Scans zu durchsuchen, ein Ereignisverlaufsprotokoll von wpa_supplicant erstellter Nachrichten und eine Methode zum Hinzufügen oder Bearbeiten von wpa_supplicant-Netzwerken.
pt_BR: >-wpagui fornece uma interface em Qt para escolher em qual rede configurada se conectar. Também fornece um método para navegar em resultados da verificação de 802.11 SSID, um log de eventos de mensagens geradas pelo wpa_supplicant e um método para adicionar ou editar redes wpa_supplicant.
tr: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
it: >-wpagui fornisce un'interfaccia Qt per scegliere a quale rete configurata connettersi. Fornisce anche un metodo per esplorare i risultati della ricerca di SSID 802.11, un registro storico degli eventi con i messaggi generati da wpa_supplicant e un metodo per aggiungere o modificare reti wpa_supplicant.
ru: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
C: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
da: >-Wpagui tilbyder en Qt-grænseflade for valg af hvilket konfigureret netværk, der skal forbindes til. Programmet tilbydes også en metode til at gennemse 802.11 SSID-skanningsresultater, en log med hændelseshistorik for beskeder oprettet af wpa_supplicant, og en metode til at tilføje eller redigere wpa_supplicant-netværk.
en: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: w/wp/wpa_gui.desktop/33cbe73bdae25b35ee5cf232f7c5258c/icons/128x128/wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: wpa_gui Launchable: desktop-id: - wpa_gui.desktop --- Type: addon ID: org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.diskactivity Package: plasma-workspace Extends: - org.kde.plasmashell ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: ml: ഹാർഡ് ഡിസ്ക് പ്രവർത്തനം eu: Disko zurruneko jarduera vi: Hoạt động của đĩa cứng zh_TW: 硬碟活動 ka: მყარი დისკის აქტივობა ca@valencia: Activitat del disc dur ja: ディスクの状態 de: Festplattenaktivität pt_BR: Atividade do disco rígido ia: Activitate del disco dur sl: Nadzornik aktivnosti trdega diska zh_CN: 磁盘活动 be: Актыўнасць цвёрдага дыска gl: Actividade do disco duro nn: Harddiskaktivitet pt: Actividade do Disco Rígido az: Sərt Disk istifadəsi ru: Загрузка дисковой подсистемы ro: Activitate disc dur fr: Activité des disques durs C: Hard Disk Activity is: Virkni harðdiska da: Harddisk-aktivitet lt: Standžiojo disko veikla ca: Activitat del disc dur sk: Aktivita pevného disku sv: Hårddiskaktivitet uk: Робота із жорстким диском it: Attività disco fisso es: Actividad del disco duro ar: نشاط القرص الصلب ko: 하드디스크 활동 hi: हार्ड डिस्क गतिविधि en_GB: Hard Disk Activity bg: Активност на твърдия диск cs: Aktivita pevného disku id: Aktivitas Hard Disk tr: Sabit Disk Etkinliği fi: Kiintolevyn toiminta et: Kõvaketta tegevus pl: Ruch na dysku twardym hu: Merevlemez-aktivitás pa: ਹਾਰਡ ਡਿਸਕ ਸਰਗਰਮੀ ta: வட்டு செயல்பாட்டு eo: Malmoldiska Aktiveco nl: Activiteit van de vaste schijf hsb: Monitor, kiž pokazuje aktiwitu kruteje tačele tg: Фаъолияти диски компютерӣ Summary: sl: Programček, ki nadzoruje prepustnost in vhod/izhod trdega diska eu: Disko zurrunaren transferentzia tasa eraginkorra («throughput») eta sarrera/irteera gainbegiratzen dituen aplikaziotxo bat vi: Một tiểu ứng dụng giám sát vào/ra và thông lượng của đĩa cứng ka: აპლეტი, რომელიც მყარი დისკის გამტარობასა და შეტანა/გამოტანას უყურებს ca@valencia: Una miniaplicació que controla la velocitat de transferència, així com l'entrada/eixida de les dades en el disc dur ja: ハードディスクのスループットと入力/出力を監視するウィジェット de: Ein Miniprogramm, das den Festplattendurchsatz und die Festplattenein- und -ausgabe überwacht pt_BR: Monitora a taxa de transferência e entrada/saída do disco rígido ia: Un applet que que monitora le prestation (throughput) e ingresso/egresso de disco dur zh_CN: 监视硬盘吞吐量和输入输出情况的小程序 be: Аплет, які назірае за прапускной здольнасцю цвёрдага дыска і аперацыямі з ім gl: Un trebello que vixía o rendemento e a entrada e saída nn: Skjermelement som overvaker dataflyt til og frå harddisk pt: Uma 'applet' que vigia o rendimento e o fluxo de entrada-saída do disco az: Sərt Diskdə verilənlərin ötürmələsini və giriş/çıxışını izləyən tətbiq ru: Мониторинг пропускной способности и процессов ввода/вывода жёстких дисков ro: Miniaplicație ce monitorizează traficul de intrare și cel de ieșire pentru discul dur fr: Une applet surveillant le débit des disques durs et leurs entrées / sorties C: An applet that monitors hard disk throughput and input/output is: Smáforrit sem fylgist með afköstum harðra diska og inntaki/úttaki da: En applet som overvåger gennemgang og input/output for harddisken lt: Programėlė, kuri stebi disko apkrovą ir įvedimą/išvedimą ca: Una miniaplicació que controla la velocitat de transferència, així com l'entrada/sortida de les dades al disc dur sk: Applet, ktorý monitoruje priepustnosť pevného disku a vstup/výstup sv: Ett miniprogram som övervakar hårddiskprestanda samt in- och utmatning uk: Аплет, який стежить за даними, які записуються на жорсткий диск та читаються з жорсткого диска it: Un'applet che controlla le prestazioni e l'uso del disco fisso es: Una miniaplicación que monitoriza el rendimiento y la entrada/salida del disco duro ar: بُريْمج يراقب استخدام إنتاجيّة القرص الصلب ودَخْله/خَرْجه bg: Аплет, който следи пропускателната способност и вход/изход на твърдия диск hi: एक एप्लेट जो हार्ड डिस्क प्रवाह क्षमता और इनपुट/आउटपुट की निगरानी करता है en_GB: An applet that monitors hard disk throughput and input/output ko: 하드디스크 대역폭 및 I/O 상태를 보여 주는 애플릿 cs: Aplet, jenž monitoruje propustnost disku a vstup/výstup id: Sebuah applet yang memantau lalu-lalang dan input/output hard disk tr: Sabit disk girişini/çıkışını izleyen bir uygulamacık fi: Tarkkailee levyjen suoritustehoa ja siirtomäärää et: Kõvaketta läbilaset ja sisendit/väljundit jälgiv aplett pl: Monitoruje przepustowość WE/WY dysku twardego hu: Egy kisalkalmazás, amely figyeli a merevlemez átvitelét és a bemenetet/kimenetet pa: ਹਾਰਡ ਡਿਸਕ ਥਰੂਪੁੱਟ ਅਤੇ ਇੰਪੁੱਟ/ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ ਦੀ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਲਈ ਐਪਲਿਟ ta: வட்டின் உள்ளீடு/வெளியீடு மற்றும் செயல் வீதம் ஆகியவற்றை கண்காணிக்கும் பிளாஸ்மாய்ட் eo: Apleto kiu monitoras durdiskan trairon kaj enigon/eligon nl: Een applet die de activiteit van de harde schijf volgt zh_TW: 監視硬碟效能與 I/O 的小程式 Developer: name: C: Marco MartinBase is a powerful database manager, part of the LibreOffice productivity suite. It allows you to store, manage and maintain different collections of data. Base makes it easy to keep track of your finances, customers, invoices, or even just the contacts in your address book!
For users that are new to databases, Base offers helpful wizards to create tables, queries, forms and reports. It's a solution for people requiring an easy-to-understand, simple-to-use system.
For power users and enterprise requirements, it provides native-support drivers for some of the most-widely employed multi-user database engines: PostgreSQL, MySQL and MS Access. In addition, the built-in support for JDBC- and ODBC-standard drivers allows you to connect to virtually any other existing database engine as well.
Developer: name: C: The Document Foundation Categories: - Office - Database Keywords: C: - Data - SQL Url: homepage: http://www.libreoffice.org/discover/base/ bugtracker: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/ help: http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/ translate: https://hub.libreoffice.org/translate faq: https://hub.libreoffice.org/faq donation: https://donate.libreoffice.org/ Icon: cached: - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/c62ae17145bba5346e2ac52ba5ec28c2/icons/128x128/libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: libreoffice-base Launchable: desktop-id: - libreoffice-base.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.base - application/vnd.sun.xml.base Screenshots: - default: true caption: {} thumbnails: - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/c62ae17145bba5346e2ac52ba5ec28c2/screenshots/image-1_752x470@1.png width: 752 height: 470 - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/c62ae17145bba5346e2ac52ba5ec28c2/screenshots/image-1_624x390@1.png width: 624 height: 390 - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/c62ae17145bba5346e2ac52ba5ec28c2/screenshots/image-1_224x140@1.png width: 224 height: 140 source-image: url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/c62ae17145bba5346e2ac52ba5ec28c2/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1137 height: 712 - caption: {} thumbnails: - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/c62ae17145bba5346e2ac52ba5ec28c2/screenshots/image-2_752x471@1.png width: 752 height: 471 - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/c62ae17145bba5346e2ac52ba5ec28c2/screenshots/image-2_624x390@1.png width: 624 height: 390 - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/c62ae17145bba5346e2ac52ba5ec28c2/screenshots/image-2_224x140@1.png width: 224 height: 140 source-image: url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/c62ae17145bba5346e2ac52ba5ec28c2/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1138 height: 713 ContentRating: oars-1.0: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Extensions Package: gnome-shell-extension-prefs ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0-or-later Name: kab: Isiɣzaf he: הרחבות vi: Phần mở rộng eu: Hedapenak fur: Estensions mjw: Extensions fy: Útwreidingen ka: გაფართოებები nb: Utvidelser os: Уӕлӕмхасӕнтӕ ja: 拡張機能 pt_BR: Extensões zh_CN: 扩展 de: Erweiterungen bg: Разширения oc: Extensions pt: Extensões ro: Extensii hr: Proširenja gl: Extensións fa: افزونهها ru: Расширения el: Επεκτάσεις C: Extensions uk: Розширення is: Forritsviðaukar fr: Extensions lt: Plėtiniai sv: Tillägg sk: Rozšírenia da: Udvidelser ca: Extensions be: Пашырэнні ko: 확장 it: Estensioni es: Extensiones ne: विस्तारहरू sl: Razširitve lupine hi: एक्सटेंशन्स tr: Uzantılar id: Ekstensi en_GB: Extensions sr: Проширења fi: Laajennukset pl: Rozszerzenia pa: ਇਕਸਟੈਨਸ਼ਨ hu: Kiterjesztések lv: Paplašinājumi kk: Кеңейтулер ie: Extensiones nl: Uitbreidingen zh_TW: 擴充套件 eo: Etendaĵoj cs: Rozšíření bn_IN: এক্সটেনশনগুলি Summary: he: ניהול הרחבות GNOME שלך fur: Gjestìs lis tôs Estensions di GNOME vi: Quản lý các phần mở rộng GNOME của bạn eu: Kudeatu zure GNOME hedapenak eo: Agordi viajn GNOME etendaĵojn fy: Jo GNOME Útwreidingen behearre ka: GNOME-ის თქვენი გაფართოებების მართვა nb: Hold styr på GNOME-utvidelsene dine ja: GNOME 拡張機能を管理します pt_BR: Gerenciar suas extensões do GNOME de: Ihre GNOME-Erweiterungen verwalten zh_CN: 管理您的 GNOME 扩展 bg: Управление на разширенията на GNOME oc: Gerir vòstras extensions GNOME pt: Gerir as extensões do GNOME ro: Administrați Exensiile GNOME hr: Upravljajte svojim GNOME proširenjima gl: Xestione as súas extensións de GNOME fa: مدیریت افزونههای پوستهٔ گنوم ru: Управление расширениями GNOME Shell el: Διαχείριση επεκτάσεων GNOME C: Manage your GNOME Extensions uk: Керуйте вашими розширеннями GNOME is: Sýsla með GNOME Shell Extension forritsviðauka fr: Gérer vos extensions GNOME lt: Tvarkyti GNOME plėtinius sv: Hantera dina GNOME-tillägg sk: Spravuje vaše rozšírenia prostredia GNOME da: Håndtér dine GNOME-udvidelser ca: Gestioneu les extensions del GNOME Shell be: Кіраванне пашырэннямі GNOME it: Gestione delle Estensioni GNOME ko: 그놈 확장을 관리합니다 es: Gestionar sus extensiones de GNOME Shell ne: तपाईँको जिनोम विस्तार व्यवस्थापन गर्नुहोस् sl: Upravljanje z razširitvami Lupine GNOME hi: अपनी गनोम शेल एक्सटेंशन प्रबंधित करें tr: GNOME Uzantılarını Yönet id: Kelola Ekstensi GNOME Anda en_GB: Manage your GNOME Extensions sr: Подесите проширења Гнома fi: Hallitse Gnome-laajennuksia lv: Pārvaldiet savus GNOME paplašinājumus pl: Zarządzanie rozszerzeniami GNOME hu: Saját GNOME kiterjesztések kezelése pa: ਗਨੋਮ ਇਕਸਟੈਸ਼ਨਾਂ ਦਾ ਇੰਤਜ਼ਾਮ ਕਰੋ kk: GNOME кеңейтулерін басқару nl: Beheer uw GNOME-uitbreidingen zh_TW: 管理《GNOME Shell》的擴充套件 th: จัดการส่วนขยายต่างๆ ของ GNOME ของคุณ cs: Správa vašich rozšíření GNOME bn_IN: আপনার জিনোম এক্সটেনশনগুলি পরিচালনা করুন Description: he: >-הרחבות GNOME מטפל בעדכון הרחבות, הגדרת אפשרויות של כל הרחבה, הסרה והשבתת הרחבות לא רצויות.
fur: >-Estensions di GNOME al gjestìs l'inzornament des estensions, la configurazion des preferencis des estensions e la rimozion o la disabilitazion des estensions che no son desideradis.
eu: >-GNOME Hedapenak aplikazioak hedapenak eguneratzea, hedapenen hobespenak konfiguratzea eta gehiago nahi ez diren hedapenak kentzea edo desgaitzea ahalbidetzen du.
vi: >-Phần mở rộng GNOME xử lý việc cập nhật tiện ích mở rộng, cấu hình tùy chọn tiện ích mở rộng và xóa hoặc vô hiệu hóa các tiện ích mở rộng không mong muốn.
ka: >-GNOME-ის გაფართოებები დაკავებულია გაფართოებების განახლებით, მათი პარამეტრების მორგებით და არასასურველი გაფართოებების წაშლით ან გამორთვით.
nb: >-GNOME Utvidelser håndterer oppdatering og tilpassing av utvidelser, og lar deg fjerne eller slå av uønskede utvidelser.
zh_CN: >-GNOME 扩展程序可用于升级扩展,配置扩展首选项和移除、禁用不想要的扩展。
de: >-GNOME-Erweiterungen dient der Aktualisierung von Erweiterungen, dem Konfigurieren der Voreinstellungen von Erweiterungen und dem Entfernen oder Deaktivieren nicht gewünschter Erweiterungen.
pt_BR: >-GNOME Extensões lida com a atualização da extensões, configuração das preferências de extensões e remoção ou desabilitação de extensões indesejadas.
ja: >-“拡張機能”は GNOME Shell 拡張機能の設定、更新、削除、不要な拡張機能の無効化を行うことができます。
be: >-Пашырэнні GNOME ажыццяўляюць абнаўленне і змяненне параметраў пашырэнняў, выдаленне або адключэнне непажаданых пашырэнняў.
oc: >-GNOME Extensions gerís las mesas a jorn d'extensions, lo parametratge de la preferéncias d'extensions e la supression o desactivacion de las extensions pas volguda.
pt: >-O Extensões do GNOME lida com a atualização da extensões, configuração das preferências de extensões e remoção ou desativação de extensões já não desejadas.
hr: >-GNOME Proširenja rukuje nadopunama proširenja, podešavanjem osobitostima proširenja i uklanjanjem ili onemogućavanjem neželjenih proširenja.
gl: >-Extensións de GNOME xestiona a actualización de extensions, a súa configuración, eliminación e a desactivación das extensións que non quere.
fa: >-افزونههای گنوم؛ بهروز رسانی، پیکربندی، برداشتن یا از کار انداختن افزونهها را مدیریت میکند.
ru: >-Приложение "Расширения GNOME" занимается обновлением расширений, настройкой параметров расширений и удалением или отключением ненужных расширений.
el: >-Το πρόγραμμα Επεκτάσεις GNOME χειρίζεται την ενημέρωση επεκτάσεων, τη ρύθμιση προτιμήσεων και την αφαίρεση ή απενεργοποίηση ανεπιθύμητων επεκτάσεων.
uk: >-«Розширення» GNOME обробляють оновлення розширень, налаштовування параметрів розширень, а також вилучення та вимикання небажаних розширень.
C: >-GNOME Extensions handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions.
ro: >-Exensii GNOME gestionează actualizarea extensiilor, configurarea preferințelor extensiei și eliminarea sau dezactivarea extensiilor nedorite.
fr: >-Extensions de GNOME gère la mise à jour des extensions, la configuration des préférences des extensions et la suppression ou la désactivation des extensions non désirées.
lt: >-GNOME Plėtiniai atnaujina plėtinius, konfigūruoja jų nustatymus bei šalina arba išjungia nepageidaujamus plėtinius.
ca: >-Les extensions del GNOME gestiona les actualitzacions de les extensions, configurant les preferències de l'extensió i suprimint o desactivant les extensions no desitjades.
sv: >-GNOME Tillägg hanterar uppdatering av tillägg, konfiguration av inställningar för tillägg samt att ta bort eller inaktivera oönskade tillägg.
sk: >-Rozšírenia prostredia GNOME spravujú aktualizácie rozšírení, konfiguráciu predvolieb rozšírení a odstraňovanie alebo zakázanie nechcených rozšírení.
da: >-GNOME Udvidelser håndterer opdatering af udvidelser, konfigurering af deres indstillinger og fjernelse eller deaktivering af uønskede udvidelser.
bg: >-С „Разширенията на GNOME“ може да променяте настройките им, да инсталирате нови, да деинсталирате или изключвате нежеланите разширения.
it: >-Estensioni GNOME gestisce l'aggiornamento e la configurazione delle preferenze delle estensioni e la rimozione o la disabilitazione di estensioni indesiderate.
es: >-Extensiones de GNOME gestiona las actualizaciones de las extensiones, configurando sus preferencias y quitando o desactivando las que no quiera.
ko: >-그놈 확장 관리자에서는 확장 기능의 업데이트, 확장 기능의 설정, 원하지 않는 확장 기능 제거 또는 사용 중지를 처리합니다.
ne: >-जिनोम विस्तारले विस्तारअद्यावधिक ह्यान्डल गर्दछ, विस्तार प्राथमिकताहरू कन्फिगर गर्दछ र नचाहिएका विस्तारहरू हटाउँदै वा अक्षम पार्दैछ।
hi: >-'गनोम एक्सटेंशन्स' एक्सटेंशन को अपडेट करने, एक्सटेंशन वरीयताओं को कॉन्फ़िगर करने और एक्सटेंशन को हटाने या अक्षम करने में मदद करता है।
tr: >-GNOME Uzantılar; uzantıları güncellemeyi, uzantı tercihlerini yapılandırmayı ve istenmeyen uzantıları kaldırmayı veya devre dışı bırakmanızı sağlar.
sl: >-Program Razširitve GNOME omogoča nameščanje in posodabljanje razširitev, prilagajanje nastavitev in upravljanje njihovega delovanja.
id: >-Ekstensi GNOME menangani pemutakhiran ekstensi, mengkonfigurasi preferensi ekstensi, dan menghapus atau menonaktifkan ekstensi yang tidak diinginkan.
sr: >-Гномова проширења руководе ажурирањем проширења, подешавањем поставки проширења и уклањањем или онемогућавањем проширења.
fi: >-Gnomen laajennussovellus Laajennukset käsittelee laajennusten päivitykset, niiden asetukset ja sen avulla voi poistaa laajennuksia käytöstä tai kokonaan järjestelmästä.
en_GB: >-GNOME Extensions handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions.
lv: >-“GNOME paplašinājumi” nodrošina paplašinājumu atjaunināšanu un konfigurēšanu, kā arī nevajadzīgo paplašinājumu izslēgšanu vai izņemšanu.
hu: >-A GNOME kiterjesztések kezeli a kiterjesztések frissítését, a kiterjesztésbeállítások konfigurálást és a nem kívánatos kiterjesztések eltávolítását vagy letiltását.
pa: >-ਗਨੋਮ ਇਕਸਟੈਨਸ਼ਨਾਂ ਇਕਸਟੈਨਸ਼ਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕਰਨ, ਇਕਸਟੈਨਸ਼ਨ ਪਸੰਦਾਂ ਦੀ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ਕਰਨ ਅਤੇ ਬੇਲੋੜੀਆਂ ਇਕਸਟੈਨਸ਼ਨਾਂ ਹਟਾਉਣ ਜਾਂ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਕਰਨ ਦੇ ਕੰਮ ਆਉਂਦੀਆਂ ਹਨ।
pl: >-Ten program obsługuje aktualizowanie, konfigurowanie preferencji oraz usuwanie i wyłączanie niechcianych rozszerzeń.
kk: >-GNOME кеңейтулері көмегімен кеңейтулерді жаңарту, баптау және оларды өшіру немесе сөндіруге болады.
eo: >-GNOME-etendaĵoj administras ĝisdatigon de etendaĵoj, adoptadon de etendaĵaj agordoj kaj forigo aŭ malŝaltigo de nebezonataj etendaĵoj.
nl: >-GNOME Uitbreidingen staat in voor het bijwerken van uitbreidingen, hun voorkeuren te configureren of ongewenste uitbreidingen te verwijderen of uit te schakelen.
zh_TW: >-《GNOME 擴充套件》能管理擴充套件更新、調整擴充套件偏好設定、移除或停用不想用的擴充套件等。
bn_IN: >-জিনোম এক্সটেনশনস এক্সটেনশানগুলি আপডেট করতে, এক্সটেনশান পছন্দগুলি কনফিগার করে এবং অযাচিত এক্সটেনশানগুলি সরিয়ে বা অক্ষম করে।
cs: >-Aplikace Rozšíření GNOME umožňuje aktualizaci a nastavení předvoleb rozšíření a odstranění nebo vypnutí nechtěných rozšíření.
ProjectGroup: GNOME Developer: id: org.gnome name: C: The GNOME Project Categories: - Utility Url: homepage: https://apps.gnome.org/Extensions/ bugtracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/new translate: https://l10n.gnome.org/module/gnome-shell/ vcs-browser: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/tree/HEAD/subprojects/extensions-app donation: https://www.gnome.org/donate/ Icon: cached: - name: gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/icons/128x128/gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gnome.Extensions Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gnome.Extensions.desktop Requires: - display_length: 360 Recommends: - control: pointing - control: keyboard - control: touch Screenshots: - default: true caption: he: חלון ראשי eu: Leiho nagusia ka: მთავარი ფანჯარა nb: Hovedvindu zh_CN: 主窗口 de: Hauptfenster oc: Fenèstra principala gl: Xanela principal be: Галоўнае акно fa: پنجرهٔ اصلی ru: Главное окно fr: Fenêtre principale uk: Головне вікно da: Hovedvindue C: Main Window lt: Pagrindinis langas sv: Huvudfönster ca: Finestra principal it: Finestra principale ko: 메인 창 es: Ventana principal sl: Glavno okno en_GB: Main Window tr: Ana Pencere id: Jendela Utama cs: Hlavní okno fi: Pääikkuna lv: Galvenais logs hu: Főablak pa: ਮੁੱਖ ਵਿੰਡੋ pl: Okno główne kk: Басты терезе zh_TW: 主視窗 nl: Hoofdvenster thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-1_752x466@1.png width: 752 height: 466 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-1_624x387@1.png width: 624 height: 387 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-1_224x138@1.png width: 224 height: 138 source-image: url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 922 height: 572 - caption: he: עדכונים זמינים eu: Eguneratze eskuragarriak ka: ხელმისაწვდომი განახლებები nb: Tilgjengelige oppdateringer zh_CN: 可用更新 de: Verfügbare Aktualisierungen oc: Mesas a jorn disponiblas gl: Actualizacións dispoñíbeis be: Даступны абнаўленні fa: بهروز رسانیهای موجود ru: Доступные обновления fr: Mises à jour disponibles uk: Доступні оновлення da: Tilgængelige opdateringer C: Available Updates lt: Prieinami atnaujinimai sv: Tillgängliga uppdateringar ca: Actualitzacions disponibles it: Aggiornamenti disponibili ko: 사용 가능 업데이트 es: Actualizaciones disponibles sl: Razpoložljive posodobitve en_GB: Available Updates tr: Kullanılabilir Güncellemeler id: Pemutakhiran yang Tersedia cs: Dostupné aktualizace fi: Saatavilla olevat päivitykset lv: Pieejami atjauninājumi hu: Elérhető frissítések pa: ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹਨ pl: Dostępne aktualizacje kk: Қолжетімді жаңартулар zh_TW: 可用的更新 nl: Beschikbare updates thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-2_752x466@1.png width: 752 height: 466 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-2_624x387@1.png width: 624 height: 387 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-2_224x138@1.png width: 224 height: 138 source-image: url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 922 height: 572 - caption: he: תצוגת חיפוש eu: Bilaketa-ikuspegia ka: ძებნის ხედი nb: Søkeside zh_CN: 搜索视图 de: Suchansicht oc: Vista recèrca gl: Vista de buscar be: Пошук fa: نمای جستوجو ru: Отображение поиска fr: Vue de la recherche uk: Панель пошуку da: Søgevisning C: Search View lt: Paieškos rodinys sv: Sökvy ca: Vista de cerca it: Vista di ricerca ko: 검색 보기 es: Vista de búsqueda sl: Iskalni pogled en_GB: Search View tr: Arama Görünümü id: Tampilan Pencarian cs: Zobrazení vyhledávání fi: Hakunäkymä lv: Meklēšanas skats hu: Keresési nézet pa: ਖੋਜ ਝਲਕ pl: Widok wyszukiwania kk: Іздеу көрінісі zh_TW: 搜尋檢視 nl: Zoekweergave thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-3_752x466@1.png width: 752 height: 466 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-3_624x387@1.png width: 624 height: 387 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-3_224x138@1.png width: 224 height: 138 source-image: url: org/gnome/Extensions/7ba4f5e8e9a396a8d8df7bd459d35eb4/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 922 height: 572 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Branding: colors: - type: primary scheme-preference: light value: '#c5eeb2' - type: primary scheme-preference: dark value: '#447637' Releases: - version: '46.0' type: stable unix-timestamp: 1710547200 description: C: >-Streamline layout to be fully adaptive on mobile.
Improve handling of extensions in error state.
Remember window state.
Use adaptive dialogs.
ContentRating: oars-1.0: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: gvim.desktop Package: vim-gui-common Name: ca: GVim es: GVim fr: GVim sr: GVim de: GVim zh_CN: GVim tr: GVim fi: GVim it: GVim ga: GVim eo: GVim ru: gVim uk: GVim C: GVim Summary: tk: Metin faýllary editle az: Mətn fayllarını redaktə edin be: Рэдагаваньне тэкставых файлаў nb: Rediger tekstfiler ml: വാചക രചനകള് തിരുത്തുക lv: Rediģēt teksta failus sv: Redigera textfiler cs: Úprava textových souborů nn: Rediger tekstfiler fa: ویرایش پروندههای متنی pt_BR: Edite arquivos de texto ta: உரை கோப்புகளை தொகுக்கவும் C: Edit text files ru: Редактировать текстовые файлы sk: Úprava textových súborov he: ערוך קבצי טקסט 'no': Rediger tekstfiler bg: Редактиране на текстови файлове el: Επεξεργασία αρχείων κειμένου sl: Urejanje datotek z besedili bs: Izmijeni tekstualne datoteke mn: Текст файл боловсруулах af: Redigeer tekslêers is: Vinna með textaskrár ar: حرّر ملفات نصية hr: Uređivanje tekstualne datoteke or: ପାଠ୍ଯ ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ସମ୍ପାଦନ କରନ୍ତୁ sr@Latn: Izmeni tekstualne datoteke ne: पाठ फाइललाई संशोधन गर्नुहोस् it: Edita file di testo pt: Editar ficheiros de texto en_CA: Edit text files da: Rediger tekstfiler zh_CN: 编辑文本文件 eo: Redakti tekstajn dosierojn hi: पाठ फ़ाइलें संपादित करें kn: ಪಠ್ಯ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು ca: Edita fitxers de text ja: テキストファイルを編集します hu: Szövegfájlok szerkesztése fr: Éditer des fichiers texte mr: गद्य फाइल संपादित करा tr: Metin dosyaları düzenleyin cy: Golygu ffeiliau testun ro: Editare fişiere text ko: 텍스트 파일을 편집합니다 pl: Edytuj pliki tekstowe sq: Përpuno files teksti ms: Edit fail teks pa: ਪਾਠ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਸੰਪਾਦਨ gu: લખાણ ફાઇલોમાં ફેરફાર કરો wa: Asspougnî des fitcs tecses th: แก้ไขแฟ้มข้อความ de: Textdateien bearbeiten sr: Уређујте текст фајлове vi: Soạn thảo tập tin văn bản fi: Muokkaa tekstitiedostoja es: Editar archivos de texto bn: টেক্স্ট ফাইল এডিট করুন zh_TW: 編輯文字檔 uk: Редагувати текстові файли am: የጽሑፍ ፋይሎች ያስተካክሉ en_GB: Edit text files et: Redigeeri tekstifaile lt: Redaguoti tekstines bylas nl: Tekstbestanden bewerken id: Edit file teks ga: Cuir comhaid téacs in eagar mk: Уреди текстуални фајлови eu: Editatu testu-fitxategiak Description: es: >-Vim es una versión casi compatible del editor Vi de UNIX.
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
sk: >-Vim je takmer kompatibilná verzia unixového editora Vi.
Tento balík obsahuje spoločné súbory zdieľané všetkými verziami variantov vim s grafickým rozhraním, ktoré sú dostupné v Debiane. Príklady takýchto zdieľaných súborov: gvimtutor, ikony a nastavenia pracovného prostredia.
en_GB: >-Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
ja: >-Vim は、UNIX エディタの Vi とほぼ互換のバージョンのエディタです。
本パッケージには、Debian で利用可能な GUI 付きバージョンの vim 変種の全てに 共通なファイルが含まれます。そのようなファイルの例として、gvimtutor、 icons、およびデスクトップ環境設定が挙げられます。
it: >-Vim è una versione pressoché compatibile con l'editor UNIX Vi.
Questo pacchetto contiene i file condivisi da tutte le varianti di vim con una interfaccia utente grafica disponibili in Debian. Esempi di questi file condivisi sono: gvimtutor, icone e impostazioni dell'ambiente desktop.
en_CA: >-Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
en: >-Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
de: >-Vim ist eine fast kompatible Version des UNIX-Editors »vi«.
Dieses Paket enthält Dateien, die von allen bei Debian verfügbaren Vim- Varianten mit grafischer Oberfläche verwendet werden. Beispiele solcher gemeinsamer Dateien sind: gvimtutor, Icons und Einstellungen für die Arbeitsumgebung.
fr: >-Vim est une version presque totalement compatible avec l'éditeur vi d'UNIX.
Ce paquet fournit les fichiers partagés par toutes les variantes avec interface graphique disponibles dans Debian. Gvimtutor, icônes et réglages d’environnement de bureau sont des exemples de tels fichiers.
pl: >-Vim jest prawie całkowicie kompatybilny z edytorem vi pochodzącym z UNIX-a.
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
C: >-Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
en_AU: >-Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
zh_CN: >-Vim 是一个与 UNIX 编辑器 Vi 基本相兼容的版本。
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
pt_BR: >-Vim é uma versão quase compatível com o editor Vi do UNIX.
Este pacote contém arquivos compartilhados por todas as variantes do vim com interface gráfica disponível no Debian. Exemplos de tais arquivos compartilhados são: gvimtutor, ícones e configurações de ambiente de área de trabalho.
ko: >-vim은 유닉스 편집기 vi와 많은 부분 호환되는 버전입니다.
이 패키지는 데비안에서 사용할 수 있는, GUI를 지원하는 모든 종류의 vim이 공유하는 파일들을 포함합니다. 이러한 공유 파일들은 아래와 같습니다: gvimtutor, 아이콘, 데스크탑 환경 설정
da: >-Vim er en næsten kompatibel version af UNIX-redigeringsværktøjet Vi.
Denne pakke indeholder filer delt af alle grafisk brugerflade-aktiverede vim-varianter, som er tilgængelige i Debian. Eksempler på sådanne delte filer er: gwimtutor, ikoner og indstillinger for skrivebordsmiljøet.
gl: >-O Vim é unha versión case compatíbel do editor de UNIX Vi.
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
ru: >-Vim является дальнейшим развитием UNIX-редактора Vi и почти совместим с ним.
Пакет содержит файлы общие для всех вариантов Vim с графическими интерфейсами, доступными в Debian. К таким файлам относятся: gvimtutor, значки и настройки рабочих окружений.
Categories: - Utility - TextEditor Keywords: ca: - Text - editor es: - Texto - editor fr: - Texte - éditeur sr: - Текст - едитор de: - Text - Editor uk: - текст - редактор ja: - テキスト - エディタ fi: - Teksti - muokkain - editori it: - Testo - editor ga: - Téacs - eagarthóir eo: - Teksto - redaktilo ru: - текст - текстовый редактор tr: - Metin - düzenleyici zh_CN: - Text - editor - 文本 - 编辑器 C: - Text - editor Icon: cached: - name: vim-gui-common_gvim.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: vim-gui-common_gvim.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: vim-gui-common_gvim.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: g/gv/gvim.desktop/d12847c088d691a2f985a8af5111e643/icons/128x128/vim-gui-common_gvim.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: gvim Launchable: desktop-id: - gvim.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - text/english - text/plain - text/x-makefile - text/x-c++hdr - text/x-c++src - text/x-chdr - text/x-csrc - text/x-java - text/x-moc - text/x-pascal - text/x-tcl - text/x-tex - application/x-shellscript - text/x-c - text/x-c++ --- Type: desktop-application ID: riseup-vpn.desktop Package: riseup-vpn Name: C: Riseup-vpn Summary: C: Anonymous VPN Description: C: >-Riseup offers Personal VPN service for censorship circumvention, location anonymization and traffic encryption. To make this possible, it sends all user's internet traffic through an encrypted connection to riseup.net, where it then goes out onto the public internet.
en: >-Riseup offers Personal VPN service for censorship circumvention, location anonymization and traffic encryption. To make this possible, it sends all user's internet traffic through an encrypted connection to riseup.net, where it then goes out onto the public internet.
Categories: - Network Keywords: C: - VPN,leap Icon: cached: - name: riseup-vpn_icon.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - riseup-vpn.desktop